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  1. NG14/79/1; NG4890
    21 Dec 1931-25 Jan 1938
    Correspondence with Messrs Field Roscoe and Co, solicitors to the executors of the late Charles Ricketts re the loan of 'The Battle of Centaurs and Lapithae' by Piero di Cosimo and 'Judith and the Infant Hercules', School of Mabuse, bequeathed to ...
  2. NG14/80
    Bequeathed by W.B. Chamberlin, 1937
  3. NG14/80/1; NG4901
    13 Oct-15 Dec 1937
    Correspondence with Messrs Johnson, Harris & Mileham, solicitors to the executors of the will of the late W.B. Chamberlin re the latter's bequest of 'Saint John the Baptist at Patmos' attributed to C. Witz [accepted], the 'Virgin and Child' ...
  4. NG14/81
    Bequeathed by Sir Henry Bernhard Samuelson, Bt, in memory of his father, 1937
  5. NG14/81/1; NG4902
    10 Dec 1934-28 Feb 1939
    Correspondence with Dr Williamson re proposed bequest of Sir H. Samuelson; correspondence with Messrs Fladgate & Co, solicitors to the executors of Sir H. Samuelson's will re acceptance of the bequest and payment of French death duties; ...
  6. NG14/82
    Purchased from Lord Lee of Fareham, 1938
  7. NG14/82/1; NG4931
    20 Jun-20 Jul 1938
    Correspondence with Lord Lee re loan and purchase of his Zoffany portrait of Mrs Oswald of Auchincruive and arrangements for payment of the purchase price in two instalments
  8. NG14/83
    Bequeathed by Robert Hardy Williamson, 1938
  9. NG14/83/1; NG4949
    5 Jul-26 Oct 1938
    Correspondence with J.N. St. G. Curwen and the Executor and Trustee Dept of Midland Bank re the bequest of Robert H. Williamson, arrangements for delivery of five pictures to the Gallery for inspection and referral of the matter to the Trustees and ...
  10. NG14/84
    Presented anonymously, 1939

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