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  1. NG14/84/1; NG5023
    7 Feb 1939-14 Jun 1954
    Correspondence with the solicitor F. Ernest Ogburn re his client's wish to present a portrait of Sir Robert Kingsmill to the Gallery anonymously in 1939 and re possible transfer of the portrait to the Tate in 1954 after the passage of the National ...
  2. NG14/85
    Presented by Lady Forbes-Robertson, 1939
  3. NG14/85/1; NG5025
    1-4 May 1939
    Copy of letter from Sir Kenneth Clark to Lady Forbes-Robertson re acceptance of the Phillips picture by the Board, 1 May 1939; letter from Lady Forbes-Robertson re label for the picture, 4 May 1939.
  4. NG14/86
    Presented by Mrs H.A. Wilder, 1939
  5. NG14/86/1; NG5049
    4 Jun 1939-10 May 1954
    Correspondence with Mrs H.A. Wilder re her offer to present a 'Conversation Piece' to the Gallery according to the wishes of the late Mrs E.F. Denison, 1939; correspondence with Messrs Warrens, Solicitors, re arrangements for delivery of the ...
  6. NG14/87/1; NG5114
    26 Feb 1940-14 Aug 1941
    Correspondence with the Right Hon. Viscount Rothermere, his private secretary H. Morison and Colnaghis re the former's offer to present a triptych by Sassetta (then at the Musee des Beaux Arts, Budapest) and arrangements for its delivery to the ...
  7. NG14/88
    Presented by Mrs Richard Blennerhassett, 1940
  8. NG14/88/1; NG5115
    17 May 1940-31 May 1954
    Correspondence with Mrs Blennerhassett re her offer to present a 'Portrait of Mrs Eveleen Myers' by G.F. Watts and an early Italian painting to the NG and with the National Portrait Gallery to whom the Watts portrait was originally offered, 1940; ...
  9. NG14/89
    Bequeathed by Frank Hindley Smith, 1940

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