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  1. NG32/165
    21 Dec 1983-22 Dec 1986
    The exhibition was held in the Sunley Room and attracted 124,785 visitors.
  2. NG32/165/1; NG16/277.1
    14 Feb-8 Aug 1986
    Leaflet; press releases; catalogue sponsorship; correspondence re potential inclusion of marine paintings in the exhibition.
  3. NG32/165/4; NG16/277.4
    11 Jan 1985-17 Sep 1986
    Draft programme for lecture series; press release; minutes of exhibition meetings.
  4. NG32/165/5; S497
    12 Feb-1 Sep 1986
  5. NG32/166
    28 Apr 1986-29 Jan 1987
    A selection of thirty-eight paintings chosen by Sir Michael Levey from the works acquired during his directorship. The exhibition was held in the Sunley Room and attracted 103,413 visitors.
  6. NG32/166/1; NG16/276.1
    28 Apr 1986-29 Jan 1987
    Press release; list of paintings included and not included; notes of exhibition meeting.
  7. NG32/168
    Held in the Board Room and room 3. There are no records for this exhibition.
  8. NG32/170
    The exhibition was held in the artist's studio and attracted 14,957 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  9. NG32/171
    27 Aug 1986-13 Nov 1987
    The exhibition was held in the Sunley Room and attracted 80,976 visitors. See also NG16/76/7.
  10. NG32/171/2; S1794
    22 Apr-17 Aug 1987
    Press release; exhibition proposal; script for video; research; photographs.

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