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  1. NG14/89/1; NG5117
    9 Jan-31 Mar 1940
    Correspondence with Percy Moore Turner, sole art executor to the late Frank Hindley Smith of Seaford re the latter's bequest of an oil painting by J. Linnell of Samuel Rogers
  2. NG14/90
    Bequeathed by C.B.O. Clarke, 1935 subject to his sister's life interest. Entered the collection in 1940.
  3. NG14/90/1; NG5118
    21 Apr 1937-8 Jan 1940
    Correspondence with Messrs Blyth, Dutton, Hartley and Blyth re the bequest of Charles Bridger Orme Clarke of a pastel by Quentin La Tour to the NG, subject to the life interest of his sister, Miss Grace Frances Clarke
  4. NG14/91
    Bequeathed by Lady Horner in memory of her father William Graham, 1940
  5. NG14/91/1; NG5119
    12 Apr-12 Jun 1940
    Correspondence with the Honourable Mrs George Lambton and Katharine Asquith re their mother's (Lady Horner) bequest of a picture by Burne-Jones
  6. NG14/92
    Bequeathed by Sir Arthur Jackson, 1940
  7. NG14/92/1; NG5174
    26 Jun-22 Aug 1940
    Correspondence with Messrs Rogers, Abbott and Drummond, solicitors and with Lady Blanche Jackson re the bequest of Sir A. Jackson of a picture of flowers in a brown bowl by P.T. Van Brussel and arrangements for the transport of the picture to London ...
  8. NG14/93
    NG5175-NG5179 bequeathed by Miss Maud Beddington, 1940; NG5180-NG5182 presented by Miss Beatrice Beddington, 1940.
  9. NG14/93/1; NG5175
    6 Sep 1939-26 Apr 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Parker, Garrett & Co and Miss Beatrice Beddington re the bequest of Miss Maud Beddington of four pictures by Sir Edward Burne-Jones ('A Female Figure'; 'Vespertina Quies'; 'Study for the The Beggar Maid'; 'Orpheus and ...
  10. NG14/94
    Bequeathed by Miss Alice Grace Elizabeth Carthew, 1940

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