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  1. NG32/172
    Mar 1986-26 Jan 1988
    The exhibition was held in the Sunley Room and attracted 109,972 visitors.
  2. NG32/172/2; NG16/300.1
    Mar 1986-8 Jan 1988
    Correspondence with guest curators David Brown and Felicity Owen; exhibition proposal; wall panel texts; press releases.
  3. NG32/173
    The exhibition was held in the Board Room and attracted 70,000 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  4. NG32/174
    The exhibition was held in the artist's studio and attracted 8,056 visitors. There are no records for this exhibition.
  5. NG32/175
    14 Jan 1985-15 Nov 1989
    The exhibition was held in rooms 20, 21 and 22 (now rooms 19-21) and attracted 519,619 visitors.
  6. NG32/175/5; S1232
    25 Feb-4 Nov 1988
    Press releases; photographs of opening [contact sheet].
  7. NG32/175/6; S1232
    Oct 1988
    Marplan research report on a visitor survey of those attending the exhibition.
  8. NG32/176
    22 Jan 1987-22 Mar 1989
    The exhibition was held in the Sunley Room and attracted 353,296 visitors.
  9. NG32/176/2; NG16/304.1
    22 Jan 1987-6 Feb 1989
    Sponsorship by Esso; finance.
  10. NG32/176/3; S581
    Press release; list of lectures; symposium.

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