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  1. NG14/94/1
    4 Jun 1940-5 May 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Raymond-Barker, Nix & Co, solicitors, and Miss L Agelasto [executor to Miss Carthew's will] re the bequest of the late Miss Alice G.E. Carthew of drawings and pictures by Blake and arrangements for their transport to the ...
  2. NG14/95
    Presented by Harold H. Myers, 1941
  3. NG14/95/1; NG5260
    23 Oct 1940-4 Jun 1954
    Correspondence with Harold H. Myers re his proposed gift of a well-known portrait by Millais of his late mother, née Eveleen Tennant, 1940-1941; correspondence with Miss V. Myers re transfer of title to the portrait to the Tate, 1954
  4. NG14/96
    Bequeathed by Sir Lionel Faudel-Phillips, 1941
  5. NG14/96/1; NG5279
    18 Jul-7 Oct 1941
    Correspondence with Messrs Freshfields, Leese & Munns re the bequest of the late Sir Lionel Faudel-Phillips of 'A Bacchanalian Scene' by Dosso Dossi and 'The Holy Family' by Bronzino. Includes a letter from Messrs Freshfields, Leese & Munns ...
  6. NG14/97/1; NG5282
    21 Jan 1941-3 Jan 1942
    Regarding the proposed purchase of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres' 'Portrait of Margaretha de Geer, Wife of Jacob Trip' by Rembrandt and the NACF's subsequent decision to purchase the work to present to the Gallery. Includes correspondence ...
  7. NG14/98/1; NG5283
    23 Apr 1941-28 Apr 1944
    Correspondence with the NACF re their purchase of a Niccolo dell'Abate landscape to present to the Gallery, Francis Cook's decision to present his Titian [Portrait of a Lady ('La Schiavona')] through the Fund in memory of his father Herbert Cook and ...
  8. NG14/99
    Purchased through Christie's from the Davis estate, with a contribution from the NACF

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