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  1. NG14/99/1; NG5359
    5-19 May 1942
    Correspondence with Sir Alec Martin of Christie's re private sale of Hogarth's 'Staymaker' to the Gallery and with David Meldrum, Secretary of the NACF re their contribution towards the purchase price
  2. NG14/100
    Bequeathed by Mrs Geraldine Emily Coningham in memory of the late Mrs Coningham of Brighton and of her husband, Major Henry Coningham, 1942
  3. NG14/100/1; NG5360
    18 May-15 Jul 1942
    Correspondence with Messrs Tylee & Co re bequest of the late Mrs Geraldine Emily Coningham of her oil painting of 'The Descent of the Holy Ghost' by Giotto
  4. NG14/101
    1942, 1954
    Bequeathed by S. Arthur Peto, 1942
  5. NG14/101/1; NG5361
    27 Jan 1942-15 Jun 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Lee & Permbertons re bequest of Mr S. Arthur Peto of 'Yarmouth Harbour' by J Crome and arrangements for its delivery to the Gallery for inspection by the Board, 1942; correspondence re separation of the Tate and National ...
  6. NG14/102
    Presented through the National Art Collections Fund by Sir Francis Cook in memory of his father, Sir Herbert Cook, 1942
  7. NG14/102/1; NG5385
    27 Nov 1941-20 Aug 1943
    Correspondence regarding the proposed gift of Sir F.M. Cook, Bt., of 'Caterina Cornaro', complications arising from the terms of two trusts in which the Cook collection was held and relating to payment of death duties, and re the decision for the ...
  8. NG14/103
    Presented by Major R.G. Gayer-Anderson, Pasha and Colonel T.G. Gayer-Anderson, C.M.G., D.S.O., 1943
  9. NG14/103/1; NG5399
    28 Nov 1942-24 Feb 1943
    Correspondence with R.G. Gayer Anderson re a small Hawara portrait, offered to the Gallery by himself and Colonel T.G. Gayer-Anderson
  10. NG14/104
    Presented by Percy Moore Turner, 1943 & 1945

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