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  1. NG14/104/1; NG5400
    2 Jan 1942-9 Mar 1972
    Correspondence with Percy Moore Turner re his gift of Gainsborough's study for 'Mrs Graham as a housemaid', 1943 and re acceptance of his gift of 'The Top Hat' and agreement that it should be ascribed to Bonington, 1945. The file also includes ...
  2. NG14/105/1; NG5416
    11 Feb-6 Apr 1943
    Correspondence with C. de L. Leach re his father's bequest of 'A Merry Group of Three Children' by Le Nain and 'Playmates' by Leyster and arrangements for their removal to the Gallery, 11 Feb-1 Apr 1943; letter from Westminster Bank Ltd's Trustee ...
  3. NG14/106
    Presented by Vice-Admiral A.J.L. Murray, 1943
  4. NG14/106/1; NG5449
    2 Sep-30 Nov 1943
    Correspondence with Vice-Admiral A.J.L. Murray re his proposed gift of a white marble bust of Sir Henry Layard previously in the possession of his uncle Mr Arthur Du Cane and its acceptance by the NG following refusal by the BM
  5. NG14/107
    Presented by H.F. Tomalin, 1944
  6. NG14/107/1; NG5450
    6 Jan 1944-29 Apr 1954
    Two letters to Mr H.F. Tomalin re his gift of a beautiful picture of 'Deptford' by Scott, 6 Jan and 10 Feb 1944; correspondence with Humphrey Tomalin re the bill to separate the Tate and NG and his agreement that the picture given by his father may ...
  7. NG14/108
    Purchased from J. Pierpont Morgan, through Christie's, with a contribution from the National Art Collections Fund, 1944
  8. NG14/108/1; NG5451
    13 Mar-29 Jun 1944
    Correspondence with Sir Alec Martin of Christie's re the Gallery's offer for the purchase of the Giovanni di Paulo pictures prior to auction and its acceptance by the Morgan executors. Also includes a copy of a letter [?from Clark] to the Earl of ...

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