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  1. NG14/109/1; NG5466
    24 Jan-22 Jul 1944
    Correspondence with F. Cavendish-Bentinck re the purchase of two large Venetian landscapes
  2. NG14/110
    Maurice Woolff Jacobson, an antique dealer based in Paris, bequeathed 6 pictures to the National Gallery in 1944. As many of the pictures were unaccounted for at the time of the notification of the bequest the Gallery accepted only those then ...
  3. NG14/110/1; NG5648
    28 Mar 1944-15 Jun 1949
    Correspondence with the Trustee Department, Westminster Bank Ltd re the bequest of M.W. Jacobson and difficulties encountered in the recovery and identification of works listed in the latter's will. Also includes correspondence with Lord Bearsted ...
  4. NG14/111
    Bequeathed by Mrs Frances Elinor Pearse, 1944
  5. NG14/111/1; NG5471
    28 Mar 1944-20 May 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Bircham & Co, solicitors to the executors of the will of the late Mrs F.E. Pearse re her bequest of her picture of a Ballad Singer by Henry Morland and arrangements for its transfer to the Gallery for inspection, 1944 and ...
  6. NG14/112
    Presented by Christopher Norris, 1944
  7. NG14/112/1; NG5472
    15 Jan 1946
    Copy of a letter from Hendy to Squadron Leader Christopher Norris thanking him for his letter and instructions re how he wishes his name to be expressed on the picture's label
  8. NG14/113
    Presented by Lady Fitzgerald, 1944. Both works entered the Tate after the war, however the Ricard was transferred to the NG in 1956.
  9. NG14/113/1; NG5572
    27 Oct 1944-18 Jul 1945
    Correspondence with Lady Fitzgerald re her offer to present a portrait of her mother 'Mrs Bischoffsheim' by Millais and a portrait of her sister 'Ellen, Countess of Desart as a Child' by Ricard, her agreement that the pictures might go to the Tate ...
  10. NG14/114
    Presented by Thomas Lowinsky in memory of Lieutenant T.M.F.E. Lowinsky, 1945

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