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  1. NG32/187/3; S405
    19 Apr 1990-30 Jan 1991
    Including Acoustiguide.
  2. NG32/188/1; S1731; NG6461
    27 Mar 1990-25 Jul 1991
    Exhibition organisation; press and publicity.
  3. NG32/189/2; S403.2
    23 Aug 1990-20 May 1991
  4. NG32/189/3; S403.3
    9 Jul 1990-25 Feb 1992
    Including press; minutes of meetings.
  5. NG32/189/5; S403.6
  6. NG32/189/6; S314.4
    5 Jun 1991-11 May 1992
  7. NG32/189/8; S314.7
  8. NG32/192/1; S761.1
    16 Jun 1987-20 Jan 1992
    Organisation; minutes of meetings.
  9. NG32/192/2; S761.2
    30 Nov 1989-24 Feb 1992
  10. NG32/192/3; S761.3
    Oct 1989-27 Apr 1992

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