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  1. NG14/119/1; NG5612
    14 May 1945-29 Jul 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Stibbard, Gibson & Co, solicitors to the executors of the late Honourable Clare E. Stuart Wortley re her bequest of a portrait of 'A Young Man in a Grey Coat' by Stuart, 1945 and seeking the permission of the executors for ...
  2. NG14/120
    Bequeathed by Mrs Helen Swift Neilson, 1945
  3. NG14/120/1; NG5632
    2 Jul 1945-18 Sep 1950
    Documents relating to the bequest of Helen Swift Neilson of Chicago, Illinois of a landscape entitled 'The Moon is Up' by Millais including photocopy of her will, 20 Apr 1944, correspondence with the Trust Department of The First National Bank, ...
  4. NG14/121
    Presented by Count Antoine Seilern, 1945
  5. NG14/121/1; NG5633
    28 May 1945-10 May 1946
    Correspondence with Count Antoine Seilern re storage of his pictures at the NG during and after the war and re acceptance of his offer to present his Dobson portrait of the Earl of Denbigh
  6. NG14/122
    Presented by Francis E. Halsey, 1945
  7. NG14/122/1; NG5636
    23 Nov-14 Dec 1945
    Correspondence with Francis E. Halsey re his offer to present a watercolour by Cotman to the Gallery in accordance with his brothers wishes. File also includes copy letter from [?Clark] to John Rothenstein, Tate, 14 Dec 1945 re transferring picture ...
  8. NG14/122a/1; NG5583
    13 Nov 1929-20 Jun 1945
    Correspondence with Emilie Yznaga re her bequest of a group of eight paintings to the Gallery, includes deed of gift and notice of probate.
  9. NG14/123
    Bequeathed by Sir Edward Stern, 1933 subject to Lady Stern's life interest. 'The Honourable Miss Monckton' by Reynolds and 'Portrait of a Man in Black holding a Glove' by van der Helst entered the collection in 1946. The remainder came to the ...

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