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  1. NG32/194/20; S665.20
    7 Nov 1991-29 May 1992
    Includes correspondence with Leon Kossoff and Anthony Eyton re visiting the exhibition out of hours.
  2. NG32/194/21; S665.22
    20 Jun 1988-5 Nov 1992
    Including correspondence with Yale re publication of the catalogue.
  3. NG32/194/22; S665.23
    28 Mar 1988-7Jul 1992
  4. NG32/194/23; S665.25
    Including wall panels; plan of hang.
  5. NG32/194/24; S665.25
    14 Mar-30 Jul 1992
  6. NG32/194/25; S665.26
    Mar-Oct 1992
    Including script and cassette tape.
  7. NG32/194/26; S1220
    18 Sep 1987-19 Jun 1992
    Director's file, including correspondence with the Save Rembrandt Campaign.
  8. NG32/194/27; S3589
    27 Nov 1991-2 Nov 1992
    Symposium on recent technical research.
  9. NG32/194/28; CU1/2
    Christopher Brown's catalogue research notes on 'The anatomy lesson of Dr Joan Deyman'.
  10. NG32/194/29; CU1/2
    Christopher Brown's catalogue research notes on 'Portrait of a man' [National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne].

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