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  1. NG14/133/1; NG5807
    15 May 1847
    Letter from M.L. Jacks and Henry Brooke, executors to their aunt, the late Miss Evelyn Brooke to the Gallery in notification of the latter's bequest of a Lake Nemi by Cozens and a landscape said to be by Barker to the NG. An annotation, dated 23 Feb ...
  2. NG14/134
    'Anse des Pilotes' was presented by Lucien Pissarro to Winston Churchill as a gift to the nation in 1941, however it did not formally enter the Gallery's collection until 1948. 'Un coin du pré a Eragny' was presented to the Gallery by Mrs Esther L. ...
  3. NG14/134/1; NG5833
    30 Mar 1939-20 Apr 1967
    Correspondence with Mrs Esther L. Pissarro, 1939-1940, re possible sale of 'Anse des Pilotes, Le Havre' painted by her father-in-law, Camille Pissarro, to the Gallery, its rejection by the Board due to limited purchase funds, its loan to the ...
  4. NG14/135
    Bequeathed by Mrs M.V. James from the Arthur James collection, 1948
  5. NG14/135/1; NG5841
    15 Jan 1918-21 May 1974
    Correspondence, 1918, with Mrs M.V. James re wartime storage of 15 of her pictures; correspondence, 1948-1949 with Messrs Bailey, Shaw and Gillett, acting for the executors of Mrs James re her bequest of 35 pictures to the National Gallery to be ...
  6. NG14/136
    Presented by John Hanbury Martin, 1948
  7. NG14/136/1; NG5866
    8 Sep 1948-11 Aug 1949
    Correspondence with John Hanbury Martin re his gift of a Teniers landscape to the Gallery in memory of members of his family and arrangements for the delivery of the picture's frame to the Gallery which had been delayed
  8. NG14/137; S927
    Bequeathed by Sir Bernard Eckstein, 1948
  9. NG14/137/1; NG5867
    7 Jul-29 Oct 1948
    Correspondence with Messrs Middleton, Lewis & Clarke, solicitors to the executors of the late Sir Bernard Eckstein, Bart re his bequest of four oil paintings 'Les Heures du Jour' by Lancret and a portrait of Mademoiselle Brongniart by Vigée Le Brun
  10. NG14/138
    Bequeathed by Herbert C. Coleman, 1949

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