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  1. NG14/138/1; NG5930
    30 Mar 1949-12 Apr 1950
    Correspondence with Williams Deacon's Bank Ltd, sole executor to the late Herbert Charles Coleman re his bequest of an Italian primitive painting of Saints Catherine and Bartholomew and its acceptance by the Board and re photography and insurance of ...
  2. NG14/139
    Bequeathed by Mrs Hilda Fothergill Medlicott, 1950
  3. NG14/139/1; NG5923
    10 Mar 1923-16 Mar 1950
    Correspondence with Messrs Beachcroft & Co, solicitors to the executors of the will of Mrs H.F. Medlicott re her bequest of two pictures by Calvert and Palmer and the Gallery's acceptance of the works for display at the Tate, 1949-1950. Also letters ...
  4. NG14/140
    Presented by Charles H. Seguier-Brown, 1950. Entered the collection in 1951
  5. NG14/140/1; NG6022
    5 Jul 1950-29 Sep 1953
    Correspondence with Charles H. Seguier-Brown re his gift of a portrait of his great-grandfather to the nation, its subsequent arrival from New York in 1951 and restoration. Also re three letters to William Seguier, 1838, from the Duke of Wellington ...
  6. NG14/141
    Given through the National Art-Collections Fund by the executors of W. Graham Robertson, 1950
  7. NG14/141/1; NG5931
    8 Mar-27 Jul 1950
    Correspondence with Colin Agnew re acceptance of Gallery's offer for purchase of Murillo's 'Christ at the Pool of Bethesda'; correspondence with Lord Crawford and Mr Kerrison Preston re the latter's decision as one of the executors to the estate of ...
  8. NG14/142/1; NG5931
    6 Mar 1946-26 Nov 1954
    Correspondence with NACF re descriptions for pictures acquired through the Fund for their annual report, including Poussin's 'Worship of the Golden Calf', 'Madonna of the Iris' attributed to Durer, the Reynolds' landscape presented through the ...
  9. NG14/143
    Purchased from the Adair Collection with a contribution from the National Art Collections Fund, 1950

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