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  1. NG32/197/5; S762.5; NG3294
    7 Feb-5 Sep 1991
  2. NG32/197/6; S762.6; NG3294
  3. NG32/197/7; S762.8; NG3294
    6 Mar 1991-6 May 1992
  4. NG32/197/8; S762.10; NG3294
  5. NG32/197/9; S762.11; NG3294
    Including wall labels; plan of hang.
  6. NG32/197/10; S762.14; NG3294
    Includes transcript.
  7. NG32/197/11; S762.15; NG3294
  8. NG32/197/12; S762.16; NG3294
  9. NG32/197/13; S762.18; NG3294
    15 Nov 1991-22 Jul 1992
    Mainly regarding a proposal to hold a series of concerts to coincide with the Manet exhibition.
  10. NG32/197/14; S762.19; NG3294
    3 Oct 1990-15 Jul 1992
    Juliet Wilson-Bareau's correspondence regarding the organisation of the exhibition.

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