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  1. NG14/149
    Bequeathed by Sophy, Lady Hall, in memory of Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Hall, 9th Baronet of Dunglass, 1952
  2. NG14/149/1; N06066
    12 Jan 1950-17 Apr 1952
    Correspondence with Sophy, Lady Hall, 1950-1951 re her intended bequest of a portrait of Lady Hall, wife of Sir James Hall, by Allan Ramsay; correspondence with Colonel Holt, an executor to Sophy, Lady Hall's will re Gallery's acceptance of the ...
  3. NG14/150
    Bequeathed by Mrs Elizabeth Carstairs, 1952
  4. NG14/150/1; NG6154
    28 Jun 1949-15 Jun 1953
    Correspondence with Treasury Solicitor's Office, Messrs Knoedler & Co, Paris, W.E. Williams, Trustee, His Grace The Duke of Wellington , Chairman of the Board, Trustee, and the Guaranty Trust Company of New York re inspection and acceptance of the ...
  5. NG14/151
    Bequeathed by Miss Beatrice Mildmay, 1953
  6. NG14/151/1; NG6138
    31 May 1950-27 Aug 1992
    Correspondence with Messrs Markby, Stewart and Wadesons re the bequest of Miss Beatrice Mildmay of a picture representing Herring Packers Tower, Amsterdam by Hobbema, 1950-1953; correspondence with A.J.B. Mildmay-White, 1992 re exempting the picture ...
  7. NG14/152; NG6153
    Purchased through Agnews from the Earl of Spencer, 1953
  8. NG14/152/1; NG6153
    15 Apr-20 Dec 1953
    Correspondence with Geoffrey and Colin Agnew, Tom Boase (Chair of Trustees) and the Right Honourable Earl Spencer re the Gallery's purchase of the latter's self portrait by Murillo. Also correspondence with Levey and Davies re signature on a small ...
  9. NG14/153
    Purchased from Cesar de Hauke, 1953
  10. NG14/153/1; NG6195
    5 Mar-9 Nov 1953
    Correspondence with Cesar de Hauke re purchase of 'La vieille au chapelet' formerly in the Jacques Doucet collection; correspondence with Andre Boszormenyi re arrangements for making payment out of trust funds; cuttings from the Evening News, Daily ...

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