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  1. NG14/154/1; NG6196
    6-23 Nov 1953
    Correspondence with Geoffrey Agnew re purchase of two Wilson landcapes, previously in the Tollemache Estate, including brief notes on the pictures, Cecil Gould's handwritten notes on the sale prices of both pictures when sold at Christie's, 15 May ...
  2. NG14/155
    Purchased from Lord Rothschild with a contribution from the National Art Collections Fund, 1955
  3. NG14/155/1; NG6209
    21 Nov 1932-21 Mar 1955
    Correspondence between the Director, the Duke of Wellington [Chairman of Trustees], Lord Crawford [Trustee] A. Johnston of HM Treasury and Lord Rothschild, 1953-1955, re sale of the latter's portrait of 'The Morning Walk' by Gainsborough, Government ...
  4. NG14/156
    Purchased from the Matthiesen Gallery, 1954
  5. NG14/156/1; NG6229
    14 Jul-16 Aug 1954
    Correspondence with Mr Matthieson and Mr Tunnard of the Matthiesen Gallery re inspection and purchase of a sketch for a ceiling by Giaquinto
  6. NG14/157/1; NG6242
    13 Jul-13 Dec 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Trower, Still & Keeling re the bequest of the late Lady D'Abernon of three portraits and their likely transfer to the Tate following acquisition
  7. NG14/158
    Bequeathed by Sir Victor Wellesley, 1954
  8. NG14/158/1; NG6253
    15 Jul-22 Dec 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Nicholl, Manisty & Co re the bequest of eight pictures to the National Gallery (including works by Wouverman, Mierevelt, Teniers, Tintoretto, Bruyn, Cuyp and of the English school) by the late Sir Victor A.A.H. Wellesley ...

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