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  1. NG14/159/1; NG29.1
    5 Nov-13 Dec 1954
    Correspondence with Messrs Peake & Co, solicitors to the executors of Miss Ada Cecilia Lance re her bequest of 'The Madonna del Gatto' by Baroccio [sic].
  2. NG14/160
    Presented by Mrs Evelyn Antal in memory of her husband Frederick Antal, 1955
  3. NG14/160/1; NG6254
    20 Nov 1954-5 Oct 1956
    Correspondence with Mrs Evelyn Antal re her gift of a portrait by Solimena from the Galitzin collection, Naples and re its subsequent reattribution. Includes correspondence between and with Lord Robbins [Trustee], Anthony Blunt of the Courtauld ...
  4. NG14/161
    Bequeathed by Chapman Frederick Dendy Marshall, 1955
  5. NG14/161/1
    9 Feb-26 Apr 1955
    Correspondence with Barclays Bank Ltd re the bequest of C.F.D. Marshall of 'A Village Fair' by William Shayer and with Norman Reid re accepting the picture for the Tate Gallery
  6. NG14/162
    Bequeathed by Edward Ernest Cook to the National Art Collections Fund and allocated to the National Gallery, 1955
  7. NG14/162/1; NG6261
    20 Jul 1955-11 Feb 1956
    Correspondence with the NACF re the bequest of Mr E.E. Cook of 'The Bradshaw Family' by Zoffany and 'The Reverend Threwal Carter and Family' by Stubbs, allocated to the National Gallery through the National Art Collections Fund, and the Gallery's ...
  8. NG14/163
    Bequeathed by Captain Louis Bertie Cumberland, subject to the life interest of his sisters, 1952. Entered the collection, 1955
  9. NG14/163/1
    6 Jun 1952-26 Oct 1955
    Correspondence with Messrs Kirby Millett & Ayscough re acceptance of the bequest of the late Captain L.B. Cumberland of three portraits by Romney and one by Reynolds subject to the life interest of his sisters, 1952; correspondence re delivery of ...

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