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  1. NG14/164
    Purchased from César de Hauke, 1956
  2. NG14/164/1; NG6262
    20 Oct 1955-28 Jan 1956
    Correspondence with C.M. de Hauke re the Gallery's purchase of 'Ovide chex les Scythes' by Delacroix. Also includes correspondence with John Witt [Trustee], the Rt. Hon. Viscount Bracken [Trustee], Lionel Robbins [Chairman of Trustees] and Messs ...
  3. NG14/165
    Purchase from Phyllis Woodall [née Frere] with a special grant and contributions from the Pilgrim Trust and National Art Collections Fund, 1956
  4. NG14/165/1; NG6264
    22 Jun 1955-24 Jul 1956
    Correspondence with Mrs Phyllis Woodall re sale of 'St John on the Island of Patmos' from the estate of her late father Laurie Frere and extensive negotiations for its purchase by the Gallery. Includes correspondence between Hendy, Gibson, the Earl ...
  5. NG14/166
    Bequeathed by Lord Carmichael subject to his wife's life interest. Entered the collection, 1956
  6. NG14/166/1; NG6266
    31 Dec 1928-27 Nov 1956
    Letter from Messrs Stephenson, Harwood and Tatham, solicitors, 31 Dec 1928, with extract from Lord Carmichael's will, announcing the bequest of a Florentine picture of a Virgin and Child to the National Gallery subject to his wife's life interest; ...
  7. NG14/167
    Bequeathed by Lady Sassoon, 1956
  8. NG14/167/1; NG6267
    16 Nov 1955-24 Dec 1956
    Correspondence with Sir Alec Martin of Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd re the bequest of his friend Lady Sassoon of a Richard Wilson landscape and with A.Kenneth McEwen and W.T. Daly, executors of the will of Lady Sassoon, re acceptance of the picture
  9. NG14/168
    Bequeathed by Mrs Rose Mary Chamberlen, 1956
  10. NG14/168/1; NG6268
    15 Oct 1956-19 Nov 1957
    Correspondence with Messrs Kersey, Tempest and Latter, Solicitors, re the bequest of Mrs Rose Mary Chamberlen of a portrait of Miss Jay by Etty and its acceptance by the Gallery. Also letter to Miss A. Margery Rooker, 19 Nov 1957, thanking her for ...

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