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  1. NG14/169
    Purchase from Eugene Slatter, Slatter Gallery, 1957
  2. NG14/169/1; NG6269
    27 Mar-29 Apr 1957
    Correspondence with Eugene Slatter re Gallery's purchase of 'Winter Scene' by Esaias van de Velde from the Exhibition of Dutch and Flemish Masters at the Slatter Gallery and re drafting the press release announcing the acquisition
  3. NG14/170
    Purchased from the Liechtenstein Collection, 1957
  4. NG14/170/1; NG6270
    14 Mar 1957-17 Feb 1958
    This file comprises a memorandum for the Trustees on the proposed acquisition of 'The Adoration of the Shepherds' by Reni: notes on travel arrangements for the Director's visit to Liechtenstein; correspondence with Geoffrey Agnew re purchase of the ...
  5. NG14/171
    Presented anonymously, 1957
  6. NG14/172
    Presented by Julius Weitzner, 1957
  7. NG14/172/1; NG6272
    16 May-9 Aug 1957
    Correspondence with Julius Weitzner re his gift of a picture by Lastman and re the favourable reception of a Tiepolo in the Gallery [NG6273, purchased by the Gallery from Weitzner in the same year]; A.W. Lucas' examination report on the Lastman; ...
  8. NG14/173
    Purchased from Julius Weitzner with the assistance of the National Art Collections Fund, 1957
  9. NG14/173/1; NG6273
    4 Mar 1957-31 Dec 1959
    Correspondence with Julius Weitzner re purchase of 'The Vision of S. Clement' by Tiepolo and with the National Art Collections Fund re their contribution towards the acquisition, 1957. Incomplete correspondence with Weitzner re purchase of a ...
  10. NG14/174
    Purchased from the Jacques Seligmann & Co. Ltd, New York, 1957

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