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  1. NG14/174/1; NG6276
    24 Apr 1957-9 Jan 1958
    Correspondence with Germain Seligmann and other representatives of Jacques Seligmann & Co Ltd re arrangements for the National Gallery's inspection and purchase of the 'Vision of Saint Joseph' by Philippe de Champaigne. Also correspondence with J. ...
  2. NG14/175
    Purchased with a special grant and with the assistance of the National Art Collections Fund, 1957
  3. NG14/175/1; NG6277
    29 Jun 1956-29 Apr 1958
    Papers and correspondence between Hendy, Davies, Maclaren and Trustees relating to the Gallery's acquisition of 'The Adoration of the Shepherds' by Poussin in 1957 including bidding for the picture at auction at Sotheby's, giving evidence to the ...
  4. NG14/176
    Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, 1958
  5. NG14/176/1; NG6278
    7 Mar-5 Nov 1958
    Correspondence with Dudley Tooth re Gallery's purchase of 'L'Inondation' by Monet with copy of Gallery's press release announcing acquisition. Tooth mentions other pictures of interest in his posession, namely 'Le Quatorze Juillet a Marly' by ...
  6. NG14/177
    Purchased with the assistance of the National Art Collections Fund and The Noel Buxton Trust, 1958
  7. NG14/177/1; NG6279
    29 Sep 1952-20 Nov 1960
    Letter from the Chairman of the Trustees to the Rt. Hon. Earl of Ancaster, 29 Sep 1952 re the Gallery's interest in 'The Rest on the Flight to Egypt' by Pittoni and expressing the hope that he might inform the Gallery if he contemplates selling it. ...
  8. NG14/178/1; NG6280
    13 Feb 1917-19 Dec 1958
    Correspondence with Messrs Lee & Pembertons re acceptance of the bequest of Mr R.W. Lloyd of a landscape by Gainsborough from the Joseph Collection and a portrait said to be of Anna Von Scherman by Cornelius Janssen. Also correspondence with Sir ...
  9. NG14/179
    Deed of gift completed by Miss Engstrom, 1958. Picture entered collection in 1969

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