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  1. NG14/179/1
    20 Jun-24 Jul 1958
    Correspondence with Dr A.M. Ross and Miss Dorothy Engstrom re the latter's gift of a sketch by Constable to come the Gallery following her death.
  2. NG14/180/1; NG6282
    28 May-14 Jul 1958
    Correspondence with Mrs F.W.M. Dyson Perrins re her late husband's bequest of pictures by Turner and Massys and with Messrs Langois, Harding and Co, solicitors, and Messrs Bourlet and Sons, picture handlers, re arrangements for their transfer to the ...
  3. NG14/181/1; NG6284
    5 Feb-3 Jul 1958
    Documents relating to the purchase of eight frescoes by Domenichino from Count Lanckoronski including correspondence with the latter and Mr Farago and Count Mark Pejacsevich, his agents and correspondence with Messrs Gondrand Freres re ...
  4. NG14/182
    Purchased from the Heim Galerie, Paris with a contribution from Mr Edgar Ivens, 1958
  5. NG14/182/1; NG6292
    18 Aug-27 Oct 1958
    Documents regarding the purchase of a landscape by Vouet from the Heim Galerie, Paris and a contribution towards its purchase from Mr Edgar Ivens. Includes correspondence between Davies [Deputy Keeper], Gibson [Keeper], Lionel Robbins [Chairman of ...
  6. NG14/183
    Purchased from Count Lanckoronski with a special grant, 1959
  7. NG14/183/1; NG6294
    28 Jul 1958-2 Oct 1965
    Documents relating to the Gallery's purchase of Uccello's 'Saint George and the Dragon' from Count Lanckoronski including correspondence with the latter and his agent Count Pejacsevich re negotiations for the purchase and arrangements for the ...
  8. NG14/184
    Purchased through Reid and Lefevre Ltd, 1959

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