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  1. NG14/184/1; NG6295
    12 Feb-9 Nov 1959
    Correspondence with Reid and Lefevre Ltd re Gallery's purchase of Degas' 'Femme s'essuyant apres le Bain' from their client Harry Walston and payment of the purchase price in two instalments. Correspondence with National Art Collections Fund and ...
  2. NG14/185
    Presented by Mrs Violet Van der Elst, 1959
  3. NG14/185/1; NG6296
    16 Dec 1941-10 May 1961
    Deeds of gift, dated 16 Dec 1941, signed by Violet Van der Elst giving 'The Conversion of St Paul' by Karl Dujardin, 'St Sebastian' by Cagnacci and The Rescue of Olindo and Sophronia' and 'The Death of Adonis' by Giordano to the Gallery after her ...
  4. NG14/186
    Purchased from Kunsthandel D.A. Hoogendijk, Amsterdam
  5. NG14/186/1; NG6298
    9 Oct-20 Nov 1959
    Correspondence with D.A. Hoogendijk re purchase and delivery of 'Landscape, with Tobias and the Angel' by Rosa
  6. NG14/187
    Purchased from Lady Salmond with a special grant and with the assistance of the National Art Collections Fund and Pilgrim Trust, 1959
  7. NG14/187/1; NG6300
    4 Nov 1959-20 May 1960
    Documents relating to the Gallery's purchase of Rembrandt's 'Portrait of a Man on Horseback' including correspondence with Lady Salmond and between Trustees re negotiations regarding the purchase price and exemption from estate duty if sold to the ...
  8. NG14/188
    Purchased from G.W. Andrews with contributions from the National Art Collections Fund, the Pilgrim Trust, Associated Television Ltd. and Mr and Mrs W.W. Spooner, 1960
  9. NG14/188/1; NG6301
    1 Nov 1927-19 Aug 1960
    Documents relating to the Gallery's purchase of Gainsborough's 'Mr and Mrs Andrews', including correspondence between the paintings owner, G.W. Andrews and the Director and Trustees of the National Gallery. Initial correspondence with Andrews and ...

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