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  1. NG14/189/1; NG6302
    14 Apr-21 Oct 1960
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Eric Stiebel of Rosenberg and Stiebel art dealers, including confirmation of final agreed price for the four pictures: $140,000.
  2. NG14/190/1; NG6306
    2 Jun-20 Sep 1960
    Correspondence between Arthur Tooth (dealer) and Hendy regarding the acquisition, together with further correspondence between Hendy and Sir Edward Beddington-Behrens (owner) over the date of payment for the picture. Press release describing the ...
  3. NG14/191/1; NG6308
    13 May 1950-6 Jan 1961
    Correspondence between Westminster bank and the National Gallery relating to the bequest by Mrs E. Commeline, correspondence between the National and Tate galleries regarding the decision to send one of the pictures ('Portrait of Mrs Ingram') to the ...
  4. NG14/192/1; NG6309
    24 Nov 1960-19 Aug 1971
    Correspondence between the National and Tate galleries and the Fitzwilliam Museum together with correspondence from Radcliffes solicitors. Debate over the legality of transferring the bequeathed pictures from the National Gallery to the Tate, which ...
  5. NG14/193/1; NG6307
    11 Jun 1956-1 Mar 1958
    Correspondence between Hendy, National Gallery Trustees and Dr Vitale Bloch (owner) regarding the acquistion of the Giorgione. Discussion of various inspections of the picture, with particular reference to the damage and discolouring present on the ...
  6. NG14/193/2; NG6307
    3 Aug 1960-10 Jun 1961
    Correspondence between Hendy, National Gallery Trustees and Dr Vitale Bloch (owner) regarding the acquistion of the Giorgione. Copies of Board minutes detailing developments in the acquisition and findings on the condition of the picture. Opinions ...

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