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  1. NG14/194/1; NG6316
    3 Feb-23 May 1961
    Correspondence between Levey, Hendy and Agnews (Richard Kingzett, Geoffrey Agnew and Evelyn Joll) in relation to the purchase of the Batoni for £2,200. Official date of agreement to purchase was 3 Mar 1961.
  2. NG14/195/1; NG6317
    6 Jan 1960-18 Jun 1963
    Correspondence between Hendy and Cesar de Hauke (dealer) regarding the purchase of the two pictures from Philippe Gangnat. Details of the Trustee's visit to Paris in order to view the pictures. Correspondence with the Treasury requesting a special ...
  3. NG14/196; NG6319
  4. NG14/196/1; NG6319
    File missing from NG record store as of 28/04/2009.
  5. NG14/197/1; NG6320
    30 Jan 1961-21 Jan 1963
    Correspondence relating to the acquisition of the Altdorfer, between Levey and Peter Nathan (dealer). Correpondence between Levey and Trustees, unanimous decision to purchase the picture. Report from Martin Kurt on the provenance and condition of ...
  6. NG14/198/1; NG6321
    21 Jun-26 Oct 1961
    Correspondence between Levey and Waddingham (dealer) in relation to the acquisition of the Strozzi. Short note by Levey concerning the provenance of the work, together with a press release detailing the acquisition.

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