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  1. NG14/199/1; NG6322
    8 Jun 1929-21 Jun 1961
    Correspondence between Philip Hendy and Kingsley Adams (Director of the National Portrait Gallery), draft calculations of finances, copies of Board minutes, correspondence between the National Gallery and the Wolfson Foundation. Receipt for purchase ...
  2. NG14/199/2; NG6322
    21 Jun 1961-5 Jan 1962
    Correspondence between Sotheby's and Hendy regarding Charles Wrightsman's decision to sell the portrait to the National Gallery after having first purchased it from Sotheby's himself. Cutting from The Times letters page criticizing decision to ...
  3. NG14/200/1; NG6329
    22 Apr 1945-29 Oct 1962
    Correspondence between Francis Madan and Philip Hendy regarding the bequest of pictures from Madan's collection and various visits to view the pictures. Correspondence following Madan's death between Ian Robertson (Ashmolean Museum) and Hendy ...
  4. NG14/201/1; NG6327
    13 Feb 1962-12 Apr 1962
    Letters from Michael Levey to R. Thesiger and James Byam Shaw of Colnaghi & Co. relating to the purchase of 'The Martyrdom of Saint Januarius'. Two press releases relating to acquisition.
  5. NG14/202/1; NG6328
    29 Mar-14 May 1962
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Neil MacLaren at Sotheby's concerning viewing the Pellegrini, letter from Levey to Denis Mahon forwarding a photo of the picture and telegrams between Levey and Mahon briefly discussing the picture, letter ...

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