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  1. NG14/203/1; NG6331
    3 May 1962-5 Apr 1963
    Letter to Oscar Johnson of Leggatt Brothers from Martin Davies stating that the Trustees are happy to purchase 'The Adoration of the Shepherds' for £40,000. Letter in reply to Davies stating that the Duke of Norfolk has agreed to the Trustee's terms ...
  2. NG14/204/1; NG6332
    16 Jan 1917-26 Jul 1962
    Correspondence between Captain Claude D. Rotch, Holmes and Collins Baker regarding the development of Rotch's collection and his plans to bequeath works to the National Gallery, including a 'family group' by an unknown artist, which can not be ...
  3. NG14/205/1; NG6337
    13 Mar-15 Jun 1962
    Correspondence relating to the Leonardo appeal. Largely detailing the donations given, with a reply sent from the Gallery thanking the person or organisation responsible.
  4. NG14/205/2; NG6337
    27 Jun-22 Oct 1962
    Correspondence relating to the Leonardo appeal. Largely detailing the donations given, with a reply sent from the Gallery thanking the person or organisation responsible.
  5. NG14/205/3; NG6337
    5 Apr-31 Jul 1962
    Typed summaries of press cuttings relating to the Leonardo appeal. Original cuttings removed and placed within the Archive cuttings series: NG24.
  6. NG14/206/1; NG6338
    14 Feb 1962-16 Feb 1965
    Correspondence between Philip Hendy and Walter Brandt (executor of the will) regarding which pictures from the bequest would be accepted by the National Gallery. Official decision from the estate duty office on exemption for five pictures received 3 ...
  7. NG14/207; NG6341

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