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  1. NG14/212/1; NG6346
    15 Mar 1963-15 May 1963
    Correspondence between Westminster Bank and the Tate Gallery concerning H.W. Rowlinson's will, in which the Lepine picture and a sculpture ('Eve' by Eric Gill) is left to the Tate. Correspondence explaining the fact that the Lepine is more suitable ...
  2. NG14/213/1; NG6347
    18 Apr-10 Dec 1963
    Notes made by Gregory Martin concerning initial enquiries to Agnews about 'A Man Playing a Lute'. Brief correspondence between Michael Levey and Richard Kingzett of Agnews: thanking Kingzett for sending the picture to the Gallery for inspection and ...
  3. NG14/214/1; NG6348
    6 Sep 1961-20 Jul 1964
    Correspondence with Janson Cobb Pearson (solicitors) concerning Nicholas Andre Argenti's bequest of 'A View of Rhenen seen from the West' and the fact that this bequest includes a life interest for the widow of Argenti. Details of clauses 6 (f) and ...
  4. NG14/215/1; NG6349
    4 Mar-2 Jun 1964
    Correspondence with Paul Brame concerning the acquisition: Philip Hendy asks Brame for permission to keep the picture longer so as to ensure it is fully inspected before a decision is made, later confirms that the Trustees would like to acquire the ...
  5. NG14/216/1; NG6350
    1948-12 Jul 1965
    Letter from Lord Derby to Lord Crawford, dated 1948, expressing his wish to give the National Gallery the opportunity of purchasing his Rembrandt should he decide to sell it in future. Correspondence between W. Evans (agent acting for the Derby ...

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