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  1. NG32/229/4; X89
  2. NG32/230/1; S1698
    21 Aug 1995-11 Jun 1996
    Proposal; notes of meeting; wall texts; condition report; correspondence with lender, Hermitage Museum; press release.
  3. NG32/232/1; S2287.1
    21 Jun 1991-10 Oct 1996
    Minutes of meetings; correspondence with the Art Institute of Chicago.
  4. NG32/232/2; S2287.2
    2 Oct 1992-12 Jul 1996
    Correspondence re potential sponsors; sponsorship proposal brochures; Degas opening dinner for lenders.
  5. NG32/232/3; S3741
    8 Dec 1995-22 May 1996
    Correspondence with Glaxo-Wellcome re sponsorship of the Degas as a Collector exhibition.
  6. NG32/232/4; S3742
    Correspondence with The Times, Evian and SBS Warburg re sponsorship of the Degas: Beyond Impressionism exhibition.
  7. NG32/232/5; S2287.3
    Press releases; exhibition guide; leaflets; media strategy.
  8. NG32/232/7; S2287.5
    Agreement; admission figures; post-exhibition report.
  9. NG32/232/8; S2287.6
    Merchandise; sales figures.
  10. NG32/232/16; S2287.14

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