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  1. NG14/217/1; NG6351
    3 Aug 1960-11 Oct 1972
    Correspondence between John Witt and Lord Radcliffe regarding Radcliffe's decision to beqeath Pissarro's 'Upper Norwood in Snow' and Degas' Dancers (3 Aug-14 Oct 1960). Letter from Radcliffe to Hendy in 1963 stating that the Pisarro will now be ...
  2. NG14/218/1; NG6352
    File missing from record store, could not be transferred to NG14 series 03/03/2010.
  3. NG14/219/1; NG6353
    File missing from record store, could not be transferred to NG14 series 03/03/2010.
  4. NG14/220/1; NG6355
    9 Jun-31 Jul 1964
    Observations by Martin Davies (Keeper) on the Courbet and its value as a potential acquisition, Davies is generally in favour of the picture. Letter from [Hendy] to Lord Robbins (Chairman) adding further views on the potential acquisition. Example ...
  5. NG14/221/1; NG6356
    22 Feb 1955-21 Feb 1964
    Correspondence between the National Gallery and Ayrton & Alderton Smith (solicitors) regarding Thomas Bruce Ismay's bequest of two pictures to the Gallery. One of the pictures is eventually established as not having been owned by Ismay, and so the ...

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