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  1. NG14/227/1; NG6362
    21 Jun 1961-12 Oct 1965
    Correspondence between Rider, Heaton, Meredith & Mills [solicitors] and the National Gallery concerning the will of Cornelia, Countess of Craven, who bequeathed five pictures to the National Gallery, with discussion of the possibility that Craven ...
  2. NG14/228; NG6368
  3. NG14/228/1; NG6368
    File missing from record store, could not be transferred to NG14 series 26/02/2010.
  4. NG14/229; NG6369
  5. NG14/229/1; NG6369
    File missing from record store, could not be transferred to NG14 series 26/02/2010.
  6. NG14/230/1; NG6370
    6 Apr 1965-10 Nov 1966
    Ten pictures were originally bequeathed by Rowley, two of these were eventually accepted, with one going to the Tate. Correspondence with Williams and James (solicitors) and Martin Davis concerning the bequest and arrangements for the delivery of ...
  7. NG14/231/1; NG6372
    2 Apr 1965-23 Nov 1966
    Correspondence between Levey and Dr Vitale Bloch concerning the potential purchase of 'The Marriage at Cana', initially enquiring as to the price Bloch is charging for the picture. The price of £25-30,000 quoted by Bloch delays acquisition until ...

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