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  1. NG14/232/1; NG6373
    22 Nov 1962-5 Jun 1967
    Correspondence between Philip Hendy and Cesar de Hauke concerning the proposed price to be offered for the Vuillard. Correspondence between Hendy and Paul Brame (dealer) concerning the picture and the changing price its owner has been offering for ...
  2. NG14/233/1; NG6374
    3 Mar-12 Jul 1966
    Correspondence between Lasar Herner (director of the Hallsborough Gallery) and Philip Hendy regarding the purchase of 'Landscape with a Watermill' for £27,000. Invoice covering letter dated 19 Apr 1966.
  3. NG14/234/1; NG6375
    Correspondence between Jack Baer (Hazlitt Gallery) and Philip Hendy regarding the purchase of the Pontormo for £6000, confirmation letter dated 21 April 1966. Picture remained on exhibition at the Hazlitt Gallery until 11 June.
  4. NG14/235/1; NG6376
    File missing from record store, reference S828, 26/02/2010.
  5. NG14/236/1; NG6377
    23 Jun-30 Nov 1966
    Correspondence between Geoffrey Agnew and Martin Davies, Agnew quotes a price of £75,000 for the portrait. Letter to Sir William Williams of the National Art Collections Fund explaining that the Trustees unanimously agreed to the acquisition of the ...

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