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  1. NG14/237/1; NG6378
    4 Aug 1966
    Letter to Philip Hendy from William Redford, director of Gerald Kerin antiques and art dealers, enclosing an invoice for the 'marble Venus'. Invoice not included in file.
  2. NG14/238/1; NG6379
    28 Jul 1966-7 Jun 1967
    Notes and working papers concerning the possible provenance of the Rubens, with correspondence between the Director and Trustees discussing the various benefits of the acquisition. Letter from C.B. Savage to Philip Hendy, stating that his mother, ...
  3. NG14/239/1; NG6380
    1 May 1958-1 Aug 1968
    Correspondence with Angus Bainbrigge, owner of the Velazquez,, concerning its loan to the National Gallery for a year from 1958. Correspondence with Bainbrigge discussing the potential sale of the work. Banbrigge is initially unwilling to sell the ...
  4. NG14/240/1; NG6381
    4 Jan-8 Aug 1967
    Correspondence with Colnaghi (dealer) concerning the potential purchase of the Bernini which they are offering for sale, initially at £35,000. Letter from Michael Levey to Sir William Emrys Williams of the National Art Collections Fund, asking ...
  5. NG14/241; NG6382
    File missing from record store, could not be transferred to NG14 series 08/03/2010.
  6. NG14/241/1; NG6382
    File missing from record store, could not be transferred to NG14 series 08/03/2010.

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