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  1. NG14/242; NG6383
  2. NG14/242/1; NG6383
    21 Jul-23 Oct 1967
    Correspondence between Philip Hendy and Katia Granoff (of the Katia Granoff Gallery) regarding the potential acquisition. Hendy explains that the picture will need to be seen alongside 'Nirvana Jaune' before a decision can be made, as the two ...
  3. NG14/243/1; NG6384
    29 Apr 1965-8 Jan 1968
    Correspondence between Marion C. Parker-Smith and R. Tudor, clerical officer at the Gallery, concerning Parker's request for information about her picture. Correspondence with H.C Garrod, trust officer at Lloyds Bank, concerning arrangements for an ...
  4. NG14/244/1; NG6385
    8 Dec 1967-18 Dec 1968
    Correspondence with Peter Wilson of Sotheby's concerning the acquisition, including arrangements to defer the sale of the picture until further funds can be found by the Gallery. Correspondence between the Trustees debating the merits of the ...
  5. NG14/245; NG6386
    Bought with contributions from the Lewis Fund and the National Art Collections Fund, 1968
  6. NG14/245/1; NG6386
    10 Apr 1968-28 Jan 1969
    Correspondence and notes regarding the Gallery's application to block the granting of an export licence for 'The Virgin and Child with Four Angels'. The work is subject to an application for export by Julius Weitzner, who intends to sell it to the ...
  7. NG14/245/2; NG6386
    16 April-11 Dec 1968
    Letters from Martin Davies to Julius Weitzner, making initial enquiries as to the potential acquisition of his picture. Initially there is speculation that this may be presented to the Gallery, but the picture is quickly established as being for ...
  8. NG14/245/3; NG6386
    26 Oct 1968-7 Jul 1969
    Letters from Martin Davies to members of the Art Fund thanking them for their assistance with the acquisition of the [follower of] Duccio. Letters relating to ongoing debate in the press connected with the acquisition price and the activities of ...

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