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  1. NG14/248/1; NG6392
    12 May-7 Sep 1970
    Correspondence between the Heim Gallery (dealers) and National Gallery concerning acquisition. Largely administrative matters including the drawing up of an invoice for the purchase and the cleaning of the picture, which was carried out by the Heim ...
  2. NG14/249; NG6393
    File missing
  3. NG14/249/1; NG6393
    File missing from record store 04/05/2010
  4. NG14/250; NG6394
    Bought from Christie's 1971
  5. NG14/250/1; NG6394
    12 Dec 1969-12 Aug 1971
    Correspondence between David Carritt of Christies and Martin Davies concerning the potential acquisition of the picture, its possible provenance, its condition and the decision to clean the picture at the National Gallery. Carritt suggests a price ...
  6. NG14/251
    Pictures bequeathed by Sir Robert Hart, Bt: Monet 1971
  7. NG14/251/1
    16 Oct 1970-28 Jul 1971
    Correspondence between William and Glyn's Trust Company and the National Gallery informing the Trustees of Sir Robert Hart's death and providing initial details of his bequest. Hart leaves the Tate Gallery 'an oil painting of a Provencale Landscape' ...
  8. NG14/251/2
    19 Jan 1971-24 Jun 1974
    Summaries of the companies that Hart held shares in, with details of annual profits and recent share prices. Discussion of a potential scheme of investment using the shares Hart had owned. Details of the ongoing management of Hart's fund.
  9. NG14/251/3
    11 Nov 1970-27 Oct 1971
    Management of Hart's estate, general correspondence and notes.
  10. NG14/251/4
    15 Oct 1970-9 Oct 1978
    Further correspondence relating to the management of the Hart fund, with the accounts for the Hart estate from 15 Oct 1970 (date of Hart's death) to 1 Nov 1974 (when estate residue was established).

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