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  1. NG14/251/5
    20 Nov 1970-10 Jun 1975
    Further correspondence relating to the management of the Hart fund, with press cuttings and discussion of estate duty payments.
  2. NG14/252; NG6397
    Bought from the Heim Gallery, 1971
  3. NG14/252/1; NG6397
    19 May 1971-9 Aug 1972
    Correspondence between Andrew Ciechanowiecki of Heim Gallery (dealer) and Michael Levey concerning the acquisition, offered by Heim for £27,000. This price is accepted by the National Gallery, and confirmed by Heim Gallery in a letter dated 4 July ...
  4. NG14/253/1
    File missing
  5. NG14/254; NG6399
    Bequeathed by Lord Astor, 1971
  6. NG14/254/1; NG6399
    22 Mar 1963-27 Oct 1972
    Letter to Lord Astor from Philip Hendy, dated 22 March 1963, asking if Astor would consider offering 'The Thames below Westminster' to the National Gallery before other buyers in any potential future sale of the picture. Astor replies explaining ...
  7. NG14/255; NG6400
    Bequeathed by Dr J.V. Scholderer, 1971
  8. NG14/255/1; NG6400
    20 Mar 1961-5 Nov 1971
    Correspondence between Cecil Gould and National Westminster Bank relating to Dr J.V. Scholderer's bequest of a portrait and still life by his father, Otto Scholderer. Note by Gould giving his view that the portrait would be worth accepting as ...
  9. NG14/256; NG6402
    Pictures bequeathed by Misses Rachel F. and Jean I. Alexander from the collection formed by their father, William Cleverley Alexander 1972

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