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  1. NG14/256/1
    16 Oct 1958-9 Feb 1971
    Correspondence between W. Gibson (Keeper) and Geoffrey Cleverly of Joynson Hicks (solicitors) concerning arrangements for the viewing of pictures that the Alexander sisters wish to bequeath to the National Gallery. Correspondence between Rachel ...
  2. NG14/256/2
    17 Mar 1972-14 Nov 1972
    Correspondence with relations of the Alexander sisters and other interested parties concerning the pictures- provenance notes on various pictures from the bequest; the arrangements for exhibition of the pictures; correspondence with Ann Harrison ...
  3. NG14/256/3
    5 Jun 1972-26 Feb 1975
    Correspondence regarding research into the pictures in the Alexander bequest prior to their exhibition at the Gallery and various arrangements for the exhibition. Research largely coordinated by Christopher Brown, Assistant Keeper. Correspondence ...
  4. NG14/257; NG6419
    Given to the Gallery by Esme Cuming Butler through deed of gift, 1972
  5. NG14/257/1; NG6419
    31 Jul 1953-9 Aug 1972
    Intial letter from Esme Cuming Butler offering her Ruysdael by deed of gift, dated 31 July 1953. Response from Philip Hendy asking Butler if an inspection of her picture can be postponed until the relevant curator returns from Amsterdam and whether ...
  6. NG14/258; NG6420
    Sold through Christies to Julius Weitzner, then bought by the John Paul Getty Museum. Export prevented and picture purchased by the National Gallery after public appeal, 1972
  7. NG14/258/1; NG6420
    9 Dec 1970-9 Aug 1971
    Letter from P.H. Byme-Cook (solicitor, Macfarlanes) informing John Witt that the trustees of the Harewood Trust have decided to sell 'The Death of Actaeon', which has been on long term loan to the National Gallery. The picture is to be sold by ...
  8. NG14/258/2; NG6420
    19 Jul 1971-20 Dec 1971
    On-going correspondence regarding the potential campaign to save the Titian and the possibility of a larger government grant, to be added to money raised through a campaign. Correspondence with the Pilgrim Trust regarding a potential contribution ...
  9. NG14/258/3; NG6420
    25 Jun 1971-27 Oct 1972
    Material, including correspondence and press releases, connected with the campaign to acquire the Titian, dating from the initial sale of the Titian at Christie's for £1,680,000 on 24 June 1971. Efforts centre on preventing the export of the picture ...
  10. NG14/258/4; NG6420
    15 Jan-5 Nov 1971
    Correspondence with Hugh Leggatt of Leggatt Brothers art dealers. Leggatt donates £1000 towards the Titian campaign, and is then uncertain that the campaign will be a success so requests that his money be returned. Once government help towards the ...

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