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  1. NG14/258/6; NG6420
    7 Jan 1971-14 Mar 1972
    Press cuttings relating to the appeal with two photographs; extracts from Board minutes relating to the appeal; press releases connected to the appeal.
  2. NG14/258/8; NG6420
    20 Jul 1971-2 Jun 1972
    Letters from Martin Davies to various individuals and organisations asking whether they would consider donating towards the Titian Appeal, with replies and details of amounts donated where applicable. Letters arranged alphabetically, from A to W.
  3. NG14/259; NG6421
    Bought from Henry Clifford with a contribution from Walter Annenberg Dec 1972.
  4. NG14/259/1; NG6421
    16 May 1972-27 Apr 1973
    Correspondence following the discovery that the Rousseau will be coming onto the market, with letters between the Gallery and Henry Clifford, owner of the picture, establishing that Clifford will be willing to give the Gallery first refusal on the ...
  5. NG14/260; NG6422
    Two pictures bequeathed by Sir John Heathcoat-Amory, Bt: Nicolas Lancret 1972
  6. NG14/260/1; NG6422
    21 Mar 1946-28 Sep 1973
    Correspondence between Sir John Heathcoat Amory and Philip Hendy, discussing Heathcoat Amory's decision to bequeath works to the National Gallery. The bequest changes several times over the coming years; correspondence between the two discusses ...
  7. NG14/261; NG6424
    Bought from the Woodall Trust, 1974
  8. NG14/261/1; NG6424
    14 Nov 1955-28 Jan 1974
    General correspondence from 1955 relating to the Velazquez while it was on loan to the Gallery from the Woodall Trust. Correspondence includes a reproduction request from the Knights of St. Columba, who wish to use The Immaculate Conception in a ...
  9. NG14/262; NG6425
    Accepted as part of a bequest of pictures and miniatures from Alan Evans, other items in the bequest were given to the Tate, V&A and National Portrait Gallery, together with one portrait which was given to the Army Museum as a permanent loan, 1974.
  10. NG14/262/1; NG6425
    May 1974-6 May 1977
    Initial correspondence relating to the bequest of pictures and miniatures from Alan Evans. Lists of pictures within the bequest, all of which are of no interest to the National Gallery, with the exception of Ruysch's 'Flowers in a Vase'. Pictures ...

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