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  1. NG14/262/2; NG6425
    5 Mar 1975-26 Mar 1987
    Correspondence discussing the terms of the Evans bequest, with a copy of the revised Deed of Arrangement enabling the National Gallery to obtain the pictures within the bequest that are considered worthy of acquisition and profit from the sale of ...
  2. NG14/262/3; NG6425
    1969, 1973
    Three photocopied bundles containing insurance valuations of works included in the Evans bequest. Approximately 250 pages.
  3. NG14/263; NG6426
    Bought from the Heim Gallery, London (Andrew Ciechanowiecki), 1974
  4. NG14/263/1; NG6426
    6 May-4 Sep 1974
    Correspondence between Michael Levy and A.S. Ciechanowiecki of the Heim Gallery, London, discussing the acquisition of the Taillasson for £15,000. Ciechanowiecki initially offers to sell a work by Vouet for £37,500 as well as the Taillasson, but the ...
  5. NG14/264; NG6427
    Bought by Private Treaty from Lady Normanton, 1974
  6. NG14/264/1; NG6427
    8 Jun 1967-20 Jan 1975
    Correspondence between Christie's and the National Gallery concerning the forthcoming sale of the Parmigianino, focusing on the possible exemption from Estate Duty and the agreement that the Gallery will purchase the work by private treaty should it ...
  7. NG14/265; NG6428
    Bought from the Heim Gallery, London (Andrew Ciechanowiecki), 1975
  8. NG14/265/1; NG6428
    23 Jan-13 May 1975
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Andrew Ciechanowiecki regarding the potential purchase of the Rigaud, which is later confirmed to be priced at £62,500. Memo by Michael Levey describing the picture and its potential acquisition, presented to ...
  9. NG14/266; NG6429
    Bought from the Marlborough Gallery, acting on behalf of Julian Salmond, 1975.
  10. NG14/266/1; NG6429
    25 July 1967-16 Sep 1975
    Letter, dated 25 July 1967, from Sir John Witt to Julian Salmond explaining the significance of his Stubbs and the fact that it would be of interest to the National Gallery should the work ever come onto the market. Response from Julian Salmond ...

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