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(e.g. NG24/1924/2)
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(e.g. from 1900 to 1950)

  1. NG14/267; NG6432
    Bought by Private Treaty from Walter Morrison with a contribution from the National Art Collections Fund, 1976.
  2. NG14/267/1; NG6432
    29 Sep 1952-28 Jul 1976
    Letter to Charles Holroyd from H. Cook, dated 26 May 1909, listing pictures of note from the Morrison collection including the Rembrandt. Letter to Simon Morrison from the Gallery, dated 29 Sep 1952, explaining that Morrison's Rembrandt portrait and ...
  3. NG14/268; NG6433
    Bought from Galerie Daber, Paris.
  4. NG14/268/1; NG6433
    8 Nov 1975-2 Mar 1976
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Jacques Daber (dealer) relating to the Delacroix, firstly arranging to view the picture and then agreeing a price, initially £150,000 then offered for £135,000 -which the Gallery accepts. Arrangements for ...
  5. NG14/269; NG6434
    Bought from Fischer Fine Art
  6. NG14/269/1; NG6434
    10 Mar-7 Jun 1976
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Wolfgang Fischer of Fischer Fine Art Ltd (dealers) discussing the Klimt and the fact that a 10 per cent reduction in the asking price could be possible for the Gallery. $200,000 is eventually paid however, ...
  7. NG14/270; NG6435
    Bought from Christie's, 1976
  8. NG14/270/1; NG6435
    6 Jul-20 Sep 1976
    Letter from Gregory Martin of Christie's, providing provenance details for the picture. Correspondence with Musee Municipal de Chalons-sur-Marne concerning the Perronneau potrait in their collection, comparison with the NG picture for research ...
  9. NG14/271; NG6436
    Bought from Arthur Tooth, 1976.
  10. NG14/271/1; NG6436
    8 Feb 1976-25 Jan 1977
    Correspondence with Timothy Bathurst of Arthur Tooth and Sons Ltd (dealers) regarding the Moreau and the potential acquisition of this picture by the Gallery. Correspondence with Professor John Hale concerning the potential price to be paid for the ...

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