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  1. NG14/272; NG6437
    Bought from the estate of the 7th Earl Spencer by private treaty
  2. NG14/272/1; NG6437
    Aug 1976-Feb 1977
    Correspondence with Treasury solicitor concerning the bequest of pictures in lieu of capital transfer tax. An initial list of pictures is provided with valuations. Levey suggests the British Museum and Tate Gallery for certain proposed pictures and ...
  3. NG14/273; NG6438
    Bought from Marlborough Fine Art, 1977
  4. NG14/273/1; NG6438
    15 Sep 1976-1 Apr 1977
    Correspondence between John Erle Drax, director of Marlborough Fine Art (dealers) and Michael Levey concerning the potential purchase of the Redon. Arrangements to view the picture and discussion of the price, which is initially given as $325,000 ...
  5. NG14/274; NG6439
    Bought from Galerie Daber, 1977
  6. NG14/274/1; NG6439
    4 Dec 1976-26 Apr 1977
    Correspondence between Jacques Daber of Galerie Daber (dealer), Cecil Gould and Michael Levey concerning the forthcoming sale of the Corot by the picture's owner, Tony Mayer. Arrangements for viewing the picture at the National Gallery; discussions ...
  7. NG14/275; NG6440
    Bought by Private Treaty from the Estate of the 6th Earl of Roseberry
  8. NG14/275/1; NG6440
    26 Jan 1977-7 Mar 1978
    Details of pictures from the Estate of the 6th Earl of Roseberry which are suggested as potential bequests in lieu of Estate Duty. The Treasury asks Michael Levey (in his capacity as expert advisor) for his opinion on the valuation of these works ...
  9. NG14/276; NG6441
    Bought, on behelf of the National Gallery by Sir Geoffrey Agnew 1977
  10. NG14/276/1; NG6441
    9 May-19 Aug 1977
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Geoffrey Agnew discussing the forthcoming auction of Parmigianino's 'Portrait of a Collector', including explanation from Agnew as to the tactical decisions he made whilst bidding for the picture. Press ...

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