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  1. NG14/277; NG6442
    Bought from the Trustees of the Allendale Settlement via Christie's, 1977
  2. NG14/277/1; NG6442
    15 Nov 1976-20 Dec 1977
    Correspondence between C.R.Ponter of Christie's and Michael Levey discussing the potential sale of the Jan Steen picture by Christie's on behalf of the Allendale estate. Debate over the market value of the picture, which Christie's initially claims ...
  3. NG14/278; NG6443
    Bought from Anthony Speelman of Edward Speelman Ltd
  4. NG14/278/1; NG6443
    8 Dec 1977-23 Feb 1978
    Correspondence between Anthony Speelman and Michael Levey confirming acquisition. Breakdown of costs and press release announcing the acquisition, which was finalised in December 1977. Papers from the Finance department recording purchase.
  5. NG14/279/1; NG6444
    3 Nov 1955-19 Mar 1980
    Correspondence between Robert Sterling Newall and Sir Philip Hendy relating to Newall's decision to bequeath his Kalf still life to the National Gallery; arrangements for the picture to be loaned to the Gallery, where it received minor conservation ...
  6. NG14/280; NG6445
    Bought from David Carritt Ltd 1978
  7. NG14/280/1; NG6445
    30 Jan-17 May 1978
    Correspondence relating to the blocking of the exportation, which culminates in the Gallery being offered the picture at a special price of £495,000 (valuation on export application was given at £578,948) this sale is coordinated through David ...
  8. NG14/281; NG6446
    Bequeathed by Benedict Nicolson, 1978
  9. NG14/281/1; NG6446
    12 Jul-21 Dec 1978
    Correspondence with Nigel Nicolson, executor of Benedict Nicolson's estate, inviting the National Gallery to chose one picture from the collection in Benedict Nicolson's flat. Saraceni is chosen, referred to as 'Jacob and Laban with Leah' in ...

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