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  1. NG14/282; NG6447
    Bought at auction, October 1978
  2. NG14/282/1; NG6447
    19 Oct-1 Nov 1978
    Correspondence between Peter Wilson of Sotheby's and Michael Levey, Levey thanks Wilson for his help in the purchase. Press release announcing acquisition and receipt from Bank of England confirming payment of £286,748.35 for the picture on 1 ...
  3. NG14/283; NG6448
    Bought by Private Treaty from the Earl of Shelburne
  4. NG14/283/1; NG6448
    29 Jan-12 Apr 1979
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Sir Geoffrey Agnew discussing acquisition; summary of costs including capital gains tax charges and cleaning which brings the total cost of the picture to £547,275; press release dated 26 February 1979; ...
  5. NG14/284; NG6449
    Bought from Marlborough Fine Art
  6. NG14/284/1; NG6449
    6 Jul 1978-25 Apr 1979
    Correspondence with David Somerset of Marlborough Fine Art discussing the proposed acquisition and eventually confirming the National Gallery's decision to purchase the work for £630,000; invoice for purchase dated 7 March 1979. Correspondence ...
  7. NG14/285; NG6450
    Bought from the Lefevre Gallery
  8. NG14/285/1; NG6450
    20 Mar-25 Apr 1979
    Letter sent by Allan Braham, Keeper, to D. Corcoran of the Lefevre Gallery, thanking Corcoran for allowing the National Gallery to keep the Matisse for consideration. Internal memo asking for clarification on certain details of the picture; ...
  9. NG14/286; NG6451
    Bought by Private Treaty from Rosemary, Lady Ravensdale
  10. NG14/286/1; NG6451
    31 Mar 1970-22 Nov 1979
    The three Pontormos were originally loaned to the National Gallery in 1970, Lady Ravensdale decided to sell the pictures in 1979 and gave the Gallery first refusal. The Trustees decided to buy the three pictures at a Board meeting on 3 May 1979. ...

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