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  1. NG14/287; NG6454
    Bought by private treaty from the Estate of Dr E.I. Schapiro through Christie's
  2. NG14/287/1; NG6454
    9 Apr-18 Dec 1979
    Correspondence between Christie's and the National Gallery detailing arrangements for the acquisition through private treaty and the subsequant cost to the Gallery of £10,250. Letter from Gregory Martin of Christie's to Michael Levey confirming ...
  3. NG14/288; NG6455
    Bequeathed by Dame Joan Evans, 1979
  4. NG14/288/1; NG6455
    28 Nov 1978-27 Feb 1980
    Correspondence between the National Gallery and Charles Russell solicitors concerning the bequest of a Saint John the Baptist said to be by the school of Caravaggio; arrangements made to view the picture; note from Homan Potterton, assistant keeper, ...
  5. NG14/289; NG6456
    Bequeathed by Mrs M.S. Walzer as part of the Richard and Sophie Walzer bequest from the Cassirer collection, 1979
  6. NG14/289/1; NG6456
    12 Mar 1979-18 Mar 1980
    Correspondence between the National Gallery and Tate regarding the settlement of Mrs S. Walzer's will, which is complicated through the question of whether the bequest will be sufficient to avoid death duties on her estate. Correspondence regarding ...
  7. NG14/290; NG6458
    Bought by private treaty from the Proby family, 1980
  8. NG14/290/1; NG6458
    25 Jan-21 Aug 1980
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Christopher Ponter concerning the possible value of the Frans Hals; letter to Ponter dated 7 March 1980 confirming that the Trustees have agreed to pay £650,000 for the picture; press release announcing ...
  9. NG14/291/1; NG6459
    22-30 Apr 1980
    Letter to Michael Levey from Geoffrey Agnew discussing the recent auction of the Batoni, at which Agnew was able to sucessfully bid for the picture on behalf of the Gallery. Press release announcing the acquisition at auction dated 30 April 1980. ...

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