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(e.g. NG24/1924/2)
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  1. NG14/292; NG6460
    Bought from S. Nystad (dealer), the Hague, 1980 with assistance of the Keith Roberts Memorial Fund. From collection of Dr E. Schapiro.
  2. NG14/292/1; NG6460
    2 Apr-8 Jul 1980
    Correspondence between S. Nysted (dealer) and Christopher Brown (curator) discussing the price of the Pynas and the delivery of the picture to the Gallery for inspection by the Trustees. Nysted offers a price of £15,000 for the picture which is ...
  3. NG14/293; NG6461
    Bought from Christie's, 1980
  4. NG14/293/1; NG6461
    14 Jul-1 Oct 1980
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Geoffrey Agnew discussing the successful purchase of 'Samson and Delilah' at auction together with the possibility of acquiring a photograph of a terracotta 'Samson and Delilah' by Artus Quellinus. ...
  5. NG14/294; NG6462
    Presented by Mrs Gifford-Scott, 1980
  6. NG14/294/1; NG6462
    18 Aug 1980-9 Mar 1984
    Correspondence with Arabella Bailey and D.E. Johns of Sotheby's regarding the sale of the Weenix. The National Gallery Trustees agree to offer £25,000 for the picture, Mrs Gifford-Smith (owner of the picture) is understood to wish to leave this ...
  7. NG14/295; NG6463
    Bought by private treaty from the Trustees of the Julius Wernher Estates, 1980
  8. NG14/295/1; NG6463
    1 May 1980-21 Jul 1982
    Letter from John Hale (Chairman of the Trustees) to Nicholas Phillips (owner of Luton Hoo and associated art collection) expressing the Gallery's interest in 'Christ taking leave of His Mother' should the picture ever come onto the market. Internal ...
  9. NG14/296; NG6464
    A gift of five pictures from Mrs Alice M. Bleecker, 1981
  10. NG14/296/1; NG6464
    26 Nov 1980-9 Jul 1981
    Letter from Judith Jeffreys, Assistant Director of the Tate, to Mrs A.M. Bleecker explaining that her proposed gift of pictures should be presented to the National Gallery rather than the Tate. Letters accepting the gift of five pictures, sent to ...

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