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  1. NG14/297/1; NG6469
    6 Apr-21 Apr 1981
    Papers from the Finance department recording purchase.
  2. NG14/298/1; NG6470
    8 Dec 1980-21 May 1981
    Correspondence between National Gallery and Christies discussing potential purchase price for the picture, which is eventually agreed as being £610,000 after confirmation from the owner, Lord Halifax. Correspondence with the Capital Taxes Office ...
  3. NG14/299; NG6471
    Bought through Agnew's by Private Treaty from Trustees of Thomas Loyd, son of Christopher Loyd of Lockinge with contributions from the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the National Art Collections Fund, 1981
  4. NG14/299/1; NG6471
    30 Mar 1981-10 Feb 1994
    Correspondence discussing the acquisition with the National Art Collections Fund and National Heritage Memorial Fund. The National Heritage Memorial Fund agrees to provide £500,000 towards the purchase and the National Art Collections Fund £50,000. ...
  5. NG14/300; NG6472
    Bequeathed by Miss J.M. Hawkins Turner, 1982
  6. NG14/300/1; NG6472
    8 Dec 1981-2 Apr 1982
    Correspondence with Fitzhugh Eggar and Port solicitors regarding arrangements in connection with the bequest, including a letter to the solicitors dated 5 February 1982 from Allan Braham, Keeper and Deputy Director, confirming that the Trustees of ...
  7. NG14/301; NG6473
    Bought from Maurice Segoura, New York
  8. NG14/301/1; NG6473
    25 Jan-13 Apr 1982
    Correspondence with Christophe Janet regarding the acquisition of two Parrocel paintings from Maurice Segoura; examination report for each painting; letter dated 6 April 1982 confirming the Trustee's agreement that the purchase of both paintings ...

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