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(e.g. NG24/1924/2)
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  1. NG14/302; NG6475
    Bought from Sotheby's, 21 April 1982
  2. NG14/302/1; NG6475
    21 Apr-5 Nov 1982
    Correspondence between Michael Levey and Jack Baer of Hazlitt Gooden & Fox art dealers discussing arrangements for Baer to bid on behalf of the Gallery at the auction. Condition report for the picture following examination in the Gallery ...
  3. NG14/303; NG6476
    Bought from Christie's, 1982
  4. NG14/303/1; NG6476
    31 Mar 1982-13 Aug 1984
    Condition report; press release; summary of costs; correspondence with Jack Baer of Hazlitt Gooden & Fox art dealers regarding the acquisition.
  5. NG14/304; NG6477
    Bought with contributions from the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the National Art Collections Fund, 1982
  6. NG14/304/1; NG6477
    26 Feb 1982-14 Apr 1983
    Correspondence and notes discussing the proposed price to be paid for the picture and the organisation of funds for its purchase; correspondence with Colnaghi & Co relating to the purchase of the picture. Correspondence with the National Heritage ...

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