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(e.g. NG24/1924/2)
(e.g. NG1314)
(e.g. from 1900 to 1950)

  1. NG11/1
    Lists number of copyist's ticket, name of copyist, name of person recommending copyist.
  2. NG11/2
    Lists number of copyist's ticket, name of copyist, name and address of referee, method of admission.
  3. NG11/3
    Lists name of copyist, number of ticket, date ticket expired, renewal of ticket.
  4. NG11/4
    Lists name of copyist, subject copied, date of commencement and removal of copy.
  5. NG11/5
    Lists name of copyist. The first part of the book includes the number of the ticket (1929-1939) and the second half is used as a signing in book (1951-1971).
  6. NG11/6
    This volume was maintained by the Duty Manager's office. Each entry comprises the name of copyist, artist and picture being copied, date of entry as copyist, date finished copying and the signature of the copyist. Volume in very poor condition.

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