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  1. NG30/1700
    See item level descriptions.
  2. NG30/1700/1; VF1
    c 1700s
    Illustration from The History of the King's Works, edited by H.M. Colvin, vol. V 1660-1782, 1976, figure 12. Original based on PRO works 30/456.
  3. NG30/1700/2; VF1
    c 1700s
    Original print. Copy photograph: National Gallery. Neg. M1308.
  4. NG30/1700/3; VF1
    c 1700s
    Original print. After Thomas H. Shepherd, engraved by J. Tingle inscribed 'National Repository.Menagerie...the Exhibition'. Copy photograph: National Gallery. No neg. details.
  5. NG30/1700/4
    c 1700s
    Photograph of a painting by John Paul. Oil on canvas. Anon sale, Christie's 24 April 1987, (57). Northumberland House was built for the Earl of Northumberland between 1605 and c1612. It faced onto the Strand on the site now occupied by Charing ...
  6. NG30/1750
    See item level descriptions.
  7. NG30/1750/1; VF1
    c 1750
    Photograph of an engraving after Samuel Wale. Copy photograph: Mary Evans Picture Library. No neg. details.
  8. NG30/1794
    See item level descriptions.
  9. NG30/1794/1; VF1
    Photograph of a drawing by Thomas Malton the Younger. Etching, indian ink and watercolour. 11 3/4 x 8 7/8 ins. Original: British Museum inv no. 1871 12-9-996. Literature: Thomas Malton, 'London and Westminster', 1974 p.33. 'British Museum ...
  10. NG30/1796
    See item level descriptions.

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