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  1. NG6/1
    22 Mar 1826-5 Apr 1851
    One bound volume containing transcripts of the National Gallery's outgoing correspondence. All letters were written by the Secretary [later Keeper and Secretary] unless otherwise indicated
  2. NG6/1/1; NG74
    22 Mar 1826
    Accepting a picture of a Spanish peasant boy by Murillo
  3. NG6/1/2
    16 Jun 1826
    Declining two pictures by Canalelli
  4. NG6/1/3
    6 Jul 1826
    Declining the pictures offered
  5. NG6/1/4; NG105
    3 May 1828
    Accepting two landscapes by the late Sir George Beaumont
  6. NG6/1/5
    3 Jul 1828
    Informing him that his picture by Largilliere could be submitted at the next Trustees' meeting
  7. NG6/1/6
    8 Jul 1828
    Declining his portrait by Largilliere
  8. NG6/1/7
    31 Mar 1830
    Accepting a portrait by the late Mr Opie [no inventory number given]
  9. NG6/1/8
    15 Nov 1830
    Seeking approval of resolutions adopted at their meeting in response to the Surveyor General of His Majesty's Works' letter, dated 31 August 1830
  10. NG6/1/9; NG4
    17 Jan 1831
    Requesting an extract from the will of the late Reverend William Holwell Carr relating to his pictures

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